Thursday, 7 January 2016

BT Young Scientist

When we went back to school we spent the day in BT Young Scientist Exhibition in the RDS in Dublin. That's not too shabby a way of starting TY Part 2, am I right or am I right? Right right right.... (If you get that you're cool)

Anyhows back to the BTYSE. The projects were all great, everyone put so much effort into theirs! My friends Jade and Shamira qualified for the BT and so were there. They had a project on teamwork and what makes up the ideal team. Spoiler: It's best to know the people you're with, not assign a leader, and actually be of different age groups. Now ya know!

Overall we had a great day looking around at all the projects. The place was packed and there was a great atmosphere too. Definitely a great way to start the second half of TY!

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