Transition Year-infamously known for work experience, projects, teamwork, and supposedly "dossing". Well for a "doss year" TY is pretty busy, in a good way.
Since it's a year in between two courses (Junior Cert and Leaving Cert), we're doing many projects to keep us going. So here's the lowdown, the inside scoop, the "juicy goss" on the projects I've done/ am working on.
French: I did a powerpoint project on "a French speaking country" with mon amie Ciara. We chose to do ours on Luxembourg. It went well and we learned a good bit about the lovely little nation.
Irish: We had to do a "sraith pictúir ar mo laethanta saoire". This was where we show 6 pictures representing the things we did on our summer holidays and give an oral presentation on them. It was "go maith" (good)
Geography: Our teacher gave everyone a county in Ireland to do a project on. I was given Leitrim, the county with the smallest population in the country. It was grand and I did get to learn more about the county while doing my project.
Science: Everyone in TY has to have some form of science project for Scifest later on this academic year. I'm doing mine with Róisín on sound energy and electrical energy and if music could potentially create electricity. It may sound daunting, but it's great craic and it's really interesting. (You'll most likely see more about this later on in the year)
Mini Company: I've mentioned this before, "In A Jar".(Contact us at stwolstansinajar on I won't bore you by constantly talking about my mini company so be sure to check out my other posts about the company to read all about it.
Religion: We did an individual essay on gender equality, and then presented a group project focusing on gender equality and education in third world countries. I did this with Kate, Carmen and Naoise. The project and studies we did opened our eyes and made us grateful for what we have.
Amber Flag: I'm also on the committee for the Amber Flag. It's a flag/award that schools can earn based on the awareness the school creates about mental health issues. This is very important to me (and the others) so I'll definitely update you on this as we go along.
We are obviously working hard